So many days spent on the floor overcome by all the feelings…
Monthly Recap: November
Yay to negative temperatures, bookish sales and catching up on comic series.
Top Ten Tuesday: Sci-Fi Movies On my Watchlist
I haven’t been a big movie watcher lately proven by the fact that I’ve watched a whopping total of 8 movies this year (which is nothing compared to previous years when I used to easily watch 50+ movies in a year). Still, I’m always excited for sci-fi movies and here’s a whole list of them.
Top Ten Tuesday: 2017 Sci-Fi Releases
This week’s top ten Tuesday topic is essentially about books that have been recently added to the TBR list and well, seeing as how I’ve added books up to 2020 to my TBR, this spin on it totally works. Also, because it’s sci-fi month. I tried to pick more underrated books/authors and looking over the list, I guess I partly succeeded? The excitement’s very real at least.
Launching Sci-Fi Month
Another year, another sci-fi month hosted by Rinn. This is my fourth year of participating in the event and I’m a day late with the introductory post but hey, at least it’s here. I remember I couldn’t participate to the extent that I wanted to last year so this year, I’m definitely making up for the slack.