Oh look, I failed at blogging regularly again. Totally not giving up, though.

Work and More Work
October was basically work and IELTS kicking my ass and then November was work kicking my ass and me kicking IELTS’ ass. I remember spending the last week November basically working and online shopping simultaneously; most of it not even books. I’m hoping to spend a relatively chill December so let’s see but I might just have to do GRE thanks to my choice of science major and then yeah, might not even get that and just a whole lot more stress instead. No wonder I’ve been so lax about doing something about Master’s and also, if I don’t try I won’t possibly have to see myself fail, right? Thankfully, those days are over but I still feel panicky just thinking about applying to schools and whatnot.
What’s a Month without Feels
I still haven’t recovered since the release of Pacific Rim: Uprising trailer in October. I seriously haven’t been this excited for a movie before. Definitely need to do a rewatch soon. In general, though 2018 is looking so good in terms of movie releases. Other than that, Kate Daniels and X-23 are my new favorite characters and they’re both professional killers. I see a theme emerging here, ha.
I watched most of these shows in October and only remember watching The Flash and Doctor Who in November. What an epic burnout, huh.

- Yuri!!! On ICE – Finally rewatched it with Crini and it remains the best.
- How to Get Away with Murder – It’s been over a month and I’m still side-eyeing Connor’s new hair which is pretty much what I remember from the season premiere. Gotta catch up!
- This is Us – Oh my god, I love the Pearsons so much and by Pearsons, I mean Randall Pearson and family. I’ve only watched the pilot as yet and obviously remember crying (at this point, it’d be alarming if an episode of this show didn’t leave me in tears).
- The Big Bang Theory – I totally called it! I do think it’s gotten better and I always need a funny show in my life so definitely not stopping watching it anytime soon.
- Fresh Off the Boat – Again, only the season premiere which was great especially the coming out, aah.
- Supergirl – I loved that Mon-el is gone but I hate how they made Kara into a whiny mess because of it so yeah, the premiere was not much fun to watch.
- iZombie – I think I watched one episode on a whim? Still have a few left of the season and in no hurry to finish but it’s fun to watch.
- Stranger Things – WORTH IT FOR STEVE HARRINGTON’S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ALONE. And of course, all the kids.
- Travelers – I read so many good things about this show here and there that I was compelled to watch it and only managed to watch the pilot as of yet haha. It has quite an interesting premise so I’m hoping it holds up.
- Jane the Virgin – I love this show! I’m so glad it’s back and it’s as great as ever. The Villanuevas just kill me.
- Doctor Who – I’m loving the Eleventh Doctor! Is it too soon to say? I’m about 8 episodes into season 5. LOL at Rory, though (and his apparent ‘glow up’ on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow just cracks me up now).
- The Flash – THE ONLY SHOW I CARE ABOUT KEEPING UP WITH AND ABSOLUTELY LOVE. It’s been such a great season so far and I love everything about it except the absence of Wally and the addition of Ralph Dibny on the show. Ugh. Love that the villains this season are a husband/wife team so I naturally and badly need a few West-Allens/DeVoes face-offs. Also, eh at the actual wedding (they could’ve just let it happen the first time around FFS) and the crossover in general but oh my god, bisexual Leonard Snart was everything.
I totally thought I’d get better at watching movies and yet.

- Back to the Future (8/10) – 80s movies are in a league of their own. This was probably the second most fun I’ve watched next to The Breakfast Club and Crini was relieved when I liked it haha.
I’ve finally been in the mood to read comics and I’m glad because so many to catch up on! Might even finally start Saga in December, who can say. Also, it’s been hard to focus on anything except Kate Daniels when it comes to books so I’m glad that audiobooks and comics are helping.

- The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson – SO GOOD, SO FUCKED UP, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
- The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion by Margaret Killjoy – This was such a good book with squad goals. Totally recommend!
- Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews – This book revealed all the hidden potential and started making use of it which I totally approved of.
- Josie and the Pussycats #8 by Marguerite Bennett, Audrey Mok – Eh at the Archies, they can just go away. I need the panels to focus more on the Pussycats, OKAY.
- Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews – I’m probably going to yell about this book forever because the GLADIATOR STYLES FIGHTING WAS EVERYTHING.
- Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews – BEST VILLAINESS OF THE SERIES, THAT IS ALL.
- The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde – So much fun! I’m glad there are so many books in this series because it’s like a bookworm’s dream.
- Monstress Vol. 2: The Blood by Marjorie Liu, Sana Takeda – I’d like to die because of all the revelations.
- Paper Girls Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang – Hell yeah to this! I just love these girls.
- The Twilight Pariah by Jeffrey Ford – This was my last October/first November read and it managed to creep me out a bit so success.
- The Wicked + The Divine: 455 AD #1 by Kieron Gillen, André Lima Araújo – This had one of the most violent panels I’ve ever seen in a comic and whoa, impressive af.
- America Vol. 1: The Life and Times of America Chavez by Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones – I definitely expected much more from this than I got and still have hopes it improves, but I enjoyed it especially the Amerikate team-up (admit that they’re endgame already, Marvel).
- Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Vol. 1: Anchor Points by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero – I loved the bright vibe that this series has going on and so excited that volume 2 is out in December because need more Kate Bishop with self-depreciating humor in my life.
- Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews – Slayed me for sure.
- X-23: Innocence Lost by Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost – A heartbreaking introduction to X-23.
- X-23: Target X by Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost – X-23 spouting ways to kill in a classroom will always be a classic. The male gaze-y art was too much for a 14-year-old Laura, though. Ugh.
- X-23: Women of Marvel #1 by Marjorie Liu, Filipe Andrade, Nuno Plati – This was a trippy one-shot.
- Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson – I feel so much more learned in space science now haha. Also, I’d like Neil deGrasse Tyson to narrate more books, please.
- X-23 Vol. 1: The Killing Dream by Marjorie Liu, Will Conrad – One of the best opening panels I’ve ever seen, LOVE.
- Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews – I got a sea trip in this series and it only solidified my love for it. Also, shapeshifter politics is like the best politics haha.
- Fence #1 by C.S. Pacat, Johanna the Mad – This was so great! I’ve high expectations from this series because of the hate-to-love trope.
- Daken/X-23: Collision by Marjorie Liu, Daniel Way – Eh at Daken but he’s bisexual so I kind of want to read his comics. X-23 remains the most badass.
- Words on the Move by John McWhorter – So informative and fun! I definitely recommend especially if languages makes you curious in any way.
- Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews – GAMECHANGER. I was actually hoping this would happen but wasn’t really expecting to and it did and left me feeling overjoyed.
- A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (reread) – OMFG the short stories. So short and yet so good.
- X-23 Vol. 2: Chaos Theory by Marjorie Liu, Sana Takeda, Phil Noto – The first arc AKA X-23/Wolverine dynamic killed me and I declare it as the best X-23 arc as yet.
Things got a little out of hand (read: I got double the usual number of books) in November mainly because I got so many comics.

- History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
- Borrowed Souls by Chelsea Mueller
- Josie & the Pussycats #8 by Marguerite Bennett, Audrey Mok
- Josie & the Pussycats #9 by Marguerite Bennett, Audrey Mok
- Miles Morales by Jason Reynolds
- Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews
- Monstress, Vol 2: The Blood by Marjorie Liu, Sana Takeda
- Paper Girls, Vol. 3 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, Matthew Wilson
- East of West, Vol 1: The Promise by Jonathan Hickman, Nick Dragotta
- The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
- Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor
- The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
- Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling, Jim Kay
- Evil is a Matter of Perspective by
- The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey
- Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews
- Something Rotten by Jasper Fforde
- Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde
- Mechanical Failure by Joe Zieja
- The Twilight Pariah by Jeffrey Ford
- Barbary Station by R.E. Stearns
- The Circle by Sara Bergmark Elfgren, Mats Strandberg
- Fire by Sara Bergmark Elfgren, Mats Strandberg
- The Key by Sara Bergmark Elfgren, Mats Strandberg
- Words on the Move by John McWhorter
- America Vol. 1: The Life and Times of America Chavez by Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
- Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill
- The House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard
- The Real-Town Murders by Adam Roberts
- Dreams and Shadows by C. Robert Cargill
- Vision Vol. 2: Little Better Than a Beast by Tom King, Michael Walsh, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
- Mockingbird Vol. 2: My Feminist Agenda by Chelsea Cain, Kate Niemczyk
- Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Vol. 1: Anchor Points by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero
- Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! Vol. 2: Don’t Stop Me-ow by Kate Leth, Brittney Williams
- Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! Vol. 3: Careless Whisker(s) by Kate Leth, Brittney Williams
- X-23 Vol. 1: The Killing Dream by Marjorie Liu, Will Conrad
- X-23 Vol. 2: Chaos Theory by Marjorie Liu, Sana Takeda, Phil Noto
- X-23 Vol. 3: Don’t Look Back by Marjorie Liu, Sana Takeda, Phil Noto
- X-23: Innocence Lost by Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
- X-23: Target X by Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
- X-23: Women of Marvel #1 by Marjorie Liu, Filipe Andrade, Nuno Plati
- The Wicked + The Divine Vol. 5: Imperial Phase I by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, Kevin Wada, Matt Wilson
- The Wicked + The Divine: 455 AD by Kieron Gillen, André Lima Araújo
- Musketeer Space by Tansy Rayner Roberts
- The Fallen Kingdom by Elizabeth May
- A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
- Introvert Doodles by Maureen Marzi
- Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys
- Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews
- World of Fire by James Lovegrove
- Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews
- The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
- Trust No Aunty by Maria Qamar
- Autonomous by Annalee Newitz
- Blood Binds the Pack by Alex Wells
- Daken/X-23: Collision by Marjorie Liu, Daniel Way
- The Dry by Jane Harper
- All-New Wolverine Vol. 1: The Four Sisters by Tom Taylor, David Lopez, David Navarrot
- All-New Wolverine Vol. 2: Civil War II by Tom Taylor, Ig Guara, Marcio Takara
- All-New Wolverine Vol. 3: Enemy of the State III by Tom Taylor, Nik Verella
- The Dire King by William Ritter
- Heartless by Marissa Meyer
- Ms. Marvel Vol. 6: Civil War II by G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona, Takeshi Miyazawa
- Ms. Marvel Vol. 7: Damage Per Second by G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa
- The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty
- A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
- Conspiracy of Ravens by Lila Bowen
- The Starlit Wood by Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe (ed.)
I’ve only included the November playlist but the top three albums are what I listened to in October and loved especially GJan’s debut album. November was basically me listening to Tove Lo’s Blue Lips on repeat. Such a good album and I love the concept behind this and her earlier album, Lady Wood (definitely plan on doing a 2017 music post so I’ll talk about it more in it).

How was your fall?
Eeep, I need to read all those X-23 comics. I only just watched Logan, FINALLY, and OMG, Laura is my new favorite.
And I went through all my unread books earlier and suddenly felt like reading some Urban Fantasy. So might actually start Kate Daniels soon (not that those books are part of my TBR yet LOL)
LOL @ all the books you got. You just keep on scrolling and the list won’t end XD
8 out of 10 to Back to the Future, yay! Still so relieved haha. SAME GOES FOR YOU LIKING THE 11TH DOCTOR! He’s my favorite!
How is Ten not your favourite Doctor? I’M SO DISAPPOINTED.
I LOVE Ten, I just love Eleven a bit more haha
Yes, you do and I need to watch Logan especially since I have no idea how that movie fits into anything that’s been in her comics so far timeline wise. Laura’s just too good to be true, though. As for Kate Daniels, read it. I’m already considering reading Mercy Thompson series next so I’m fully committed to urban fantasy for the near future. JOIN ME XD
I considered not putting all of the books on here but then I was like, let’s just fully embrace the craziness.
Haha now that I’ve watched the movie, I don’t get why you were nervous. XD
I’m pretty sure 11th is gonna end up being my favorite as well. Like I love 10th, how can I not but also 11th’s personality is just more quirky and less tragic which I’m currently digging and he’s so adorable.
If you want to buddy watch, let me know. Totally wanna watch this again already.
When you binge urban fantasy, you should finally read Kelley Armstrong too!! It’s probably what I’m going for next and when I read her books, I always feel like reading a lot of Urban Fantasy. She always reminds me that the genre isn’t as bad as I keep thinking for some reason LOL
You recap posts just wouldn’t be the same without the full list of books you hauled LOL
I’m never sure if I like those movies just for nostalgic reasons or if they’re actually good even if you watch them now. I’ll be less nervous about other classics we watch from now on 😛
YES, I LOVE his personality. He’s so hyper active too. Gah, I really miss him. I can’t wait to see what kind of Doctor Jodie Whittaker is gonna be. I’m so excited about a female Doctor, I could cry.
I’m glad you’re still here despite the slight failure in posting 😛
I guess I need to start This is Us? I’ll add it to the list. STRANGER THINGS THO. DUSTIN. THE DANCE. ERMEHGERD. AND FUCK YEAH STEVE HARRINGTON. What did you think of Jane and Rafael’s fight in 4×01? I died. DIIEEEEEEEDDDDD.
Do I need to start the Kate Daniels series? I saw the word “gladiator” and was like WELL THEN.
More like major failure haha. I do want to up my game and even have some ideas for posts so just need to sit down and do it.
YES, YOU DO! It’s such a great show and basically worth it to watch it for Randall alone. YES, DUSTIN IS MY FAVORITE. I just cannot that he took Steve’s hair advice asdlkjhfg. I kinda still ship Jane and Rafael so I was disappointed but damn, I took the disappointment because their fight was so epic, I was yelling
YES! Haha that’s basically in book 3 but this series is full of mythologies from all over the world and so well-executed, the shapeshifters are cray and Kate is like the best main character and easily more powerful than her love interest which I love. The first book is the weakest, though but then it really picks up in terms or everything from worldbuilding to villains.
Welp I guess I need to consider adding the Kate Daniels series to my TBR because your reviews and updates of this series are giving me life!!
YES! It’s such a great series, I fully recommend it. The romance is a bit just what did I get myself into? at first but I got invested in even that after a while. Kate is so powerful, though and I can hardly find any faults in the books except for the first which I enjoyed but that’s about it since the worldbuilding isn’t done well and the villain had me rolling my eyes a bit.
Oh man, I am so familiar with that kind of thinking. But I believe in you! *hugs*
What was the coming out in Fresh Off the Boat? I’ve only seen The Big Bang theory sporadically, but I’m really enjoying this season! BABYSITTER STEVE *_____*
I’m so glad you liked Back to the Future! I wish I could have watched with you guys.
I want to read the second volume of Monstress so badly!
Your list of book acquisitions stresses me out every time. xD
Thanks, fun brain twin. XD I’m glad I snapped out of it but it’s still all very nerve-wracking asdlkjhfg.
When Nicole came out to Eddie in the car? That was so well done and I’m glad they went there it being a show set in the 90s and all.
You should then figure out when we’re watching the rest of Star Wars next. =P But yes, Back to the Future is such a classic, I fully enjoyed it.
Oh, you do! I wish I’d have reread the first one when I read it but I’m definitely doing a reread when the third comes out.
Haha I wish it stressed me out, too. I’ve just become too 1-click happy LOL.
Glad you’re feeling (thinking?) better!
OH, yes. (I was only thinking of the three boys, lol.) It was really well done, definitely a nice addition to the show.
Uhhh, yeah, about that… We really should, though!
Your list of new books does go on, very cool! I really enjoyed The Murders of Molly Southbourne as well, I’m so glad it’s a series:-)
We watch a lot of the same TV! I recently watched all of Yuri on Ice and I’m still not over it. It is too cute and surprisingly motivational. It convinced me to take up ice skating and generally makes me feel motivated to achieve my goals when I watch it. I’m quite behind on my other TV shows just because I’ve been trying to focus on studies. I’ve only seen the first 2 seasons of HTGAWM and I love it but I have to watch each season all in one go because it makes me so stressed! I’m also avoiding completing Jane the Virgin at the moment because I know what happens in a certain episode of season 3 and I’m not emotionally ready yet for that much crying. The new season of Stranger Things was incredible and I also really love Doctor Who. I only watched Doctors Nine and Ten, but the parts of Eleven and Twelve I saw I didn’t like. Not because of the Doctors themselves – I just got attached to the old head writer’s writing style and I wasn’t enjoying Moffat’s storylines as much. But I might go back to that show because I’m SO excited for Thirteen. I’m obsessed with the CW’s DC shows. Arrow is by far my favourite because of how dark it is and I love the characters and plot (ignoring season 4 which was a weak point I don’t want to think about!). Then Legends is my second favourite because of how silly and fun it is. Also I adore Sara. An actual bisexual woman! As a main character! Who is totally badass! The Flash and Supergirl are also cute but I prefer when they’re witty rather than romanticly focused. I hated Mon-El and I’m not looking forward to starting the current seasons and having to see Kara mopey about him. But I’m super ready for a queer Snart! I know that was what the actor hoped for him and it works for his character.
I love Paper Girls and I can’t wait to get my hands on the 3rd volume. And I adore ADSOM! If one of my friends gets the special edition I need to borrow it for those short stories.
Great post!