Another fall season, another megaload of TV shows, returning and new. I mean, just look at this list. I’m not really interested in a lot of new shows half because I’m in the middle of 50+ shows and half because only a few caught my attention. I just basically want all my favorites back on air.
The Flash (2014-, S03, Oct 4th)
If I could, I would have choosen The Flash for the top three. There’s just so much to look forward to Tom Felton’s character to Flashpoint itself, two main villains, psychological warfare setup of the villains, more of the Rogues, Kid Flash (!), Iris being in the know about Kid Flash from the beginning, two lady villains, Caitlin’s scientist mom, Cisco’s arc, WestAllen dates, Wells character which I’m pretty sure is the him him, Jessie Quick AKA the female speedster, the four-way crossover, SuperFlash musical double crossover in 2017 and lastly, the show being much lighter and closer to season 1 in tone. I really need it to be. Who doesn’t? But I already know about a couple of super emotional punches to the gut so there’s also that.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014-, S03, Sep 20th)
I’m very psyched for season 4 mainly because of the absence of a certain character (ha) and Fitzsimmons, eeep. I haven’t really looked for whatever is in the works except watching the SDCC panel which was obviously the best. So I do know about the Ghost Rider storyline but I haven’t researched it and decided to take it as it comes.
Westworld (2016-, S01, Oct 10)
The first trailer is what got me super excited for Westworld. I always appreciate a good trailer that leaves me intrigued and wanting more. Moreover, for a sci-fi thriller, this show sounds and looks fucking awesome. I am very curious about the combination of the show being Western and futuristic. Everything is seemingly happening in a theme park, the soundtrack is spectacular and the show already seems to have a lot of depth. There are dreams which if you know me, you’ll know that I’ll watch anything that utilizes them in any way and also fucks up the viewer’s mind.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-, S04, Sep 20th)
Season 3 ended on a pretty unexpected turn overall and in terms of some characters’ arcs. However, not a fan of every character arc. For instance, not a fan of Rosa’s arc and still hoping they depart from it and explore her sexuality maybe. Other than that, I’m very much looking forward to the best detective squad on TV as I miss them so much. Oh, and there’s also a double crossover with New Girl in the pipeline so it’s going to be great watching Winston and Aly bond with the Nine-Nine squad.
Jane the Virgin (2014-, S03, Oct 17th)
This show will always sound rather cringe-worthy from the title alone and that doesn’t even factor in the premise. Anyway, I love that this show is more about family than anything else. It’s also very funny and gets beyond ridiculous whenever there’s a fantasy sequence (re: Jane as Pregnant Punisher in a wrestling sequence like whaaat). The ending of season 2 was just so good despite the fact that it left me feeling rather nervous for the next season mainly because the show explores a different theme for each season and the theme for season 3 doesn’t exactly gel with the story. At least not yet.
Fresh Off the Boat (2015-, S03, Oct 11th)
The most relatable show on TV lately. It’s funny and great how Asians can really relate to Fresh Off the Boat regardless of whatever Asian county they are from. The show is mainly about the Huangs making their way through life in 90s in America so I don’t have anything in particular to look forward to. Except more Jessica and Emery and more relatable things that leave me feeling so very amused.
How to Get Away With Murder (2014-, S03, Sep 22nd)
Aaahh, the promo for the season premiere is out! I’m so excited to see what’s in store for the Keating Five (Keating Six?). Things I am most excited for: Coliver and Wes’s arc. Someone from the regular cast is also apparently not going to make it? Only here for it if it’s Frank.
New Girl (2011-, S06, Sep 20th)
Whoa, I didn’t realize we’re at season 6! The rocky start to season 5 was majorly due to Megan Fox’s character and now she’ll be back? Meh. When I don’t care to remember the character’s name, you know they really suck. Other than that, always up for Schmidt and Winston being Schmidt and Winston. Kind of over Jake, though? I think his arc needs a serious pick me up.
Blindspot (2015-, S02, Sep 21st)
I haven’t really finished watching season 1 yet which I probably should before the premiere. However, this show is great and I love Patterson so I’m excited regardless.
Marvel’s Luke Cage (2016-, S01, Sep 30th)
I still haven’t watched Daredevil or Jessica Jones beyond their pilot episodes so I should probably get on that. However, the trailer is intense and heavy and tackles a superhero deciding if he really wants to be a superhero. I always dig such storylines.
Other shows I’m looking forward to but need to watch the previous seasons of first: Supergirl, Gotham and Lucifer. Shows I’m feeling very begrudged about and don’t want to continue: Empire. Shows I’m feeling begrudged about but will watch anyway: The Vampire Diaries (last season, booyah!) and The Big Bang Theory. New shows I want to see the response to before watching myself: Timeless, The Good Place, Conviction and The Crown. And oh, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, obvs.
What’s on your fall watchlist?
I use to watch and LOVE New Girl, but then I kind of got bored with it and stopped watching. I did however watch the latest episode, because my dream came true!!! Great top ten 😀 My Top Ten Tuesday!
Yes, the two-part finale of New Girl was so great! I really hope the streak continues.
Cannot wait for the new series’ of Jane The Virgin, How To Get Away With Murder and New Girl. I had no idea the new season promo for HTGWAM was out!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/09/06/top-ten-tuesday-73/
The promo of HTGAWM is only for the season premiere but it looks great! So excited
SO MANY SHOWS. I really need to catch up on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and How to Get Away with Murder. I’m definitely looking forward to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. post-you-know-who, and I hope Westworld lives up to our expectations! There are a few other new shows Crini has sent me the trailer for, but of course I can’t remember any of the names right now. 😛
OMG, please catch up on B99 and HTGAWM. You will not be disappointed.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. better be awesome this season!
LOL I only remember Timeless, Time After Time (I think this is the title) and This Is Us from the list of new shows. I’m just waiting to see if any will be worth watching and most don’t even look like they’re a must watch? Except Westworld which fingers crossed. =D
I’ll give you one guess who I’m waiting on to watch them. XD
That sounds right. Why are they all T names? Lol. But you’re right, it’s better to see how they go. I definitely have enough shows on my list to watch.
Really? I thought it would be the other way around haha.
I don’t know why letter T is so popular this year LOL. I did like This is Us a lot!
I feel the same way about Big Bang Theory – I watch it every week because I can’t imagine just stopping! I also can’t wait for the new season of Gilmore Girls on Netflix- only four episodes though, boo. I am rewatching the whole series slowly since it’s been over a decade since I have seen some of the episodes. Yay for fall tv!
Gah, right?! It’s not even that good anymore and season 10 premiere was so dull.
But each episode of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life is going to be 90 minutes long so that’s good, haha. I actually watched it all for the first time only this year.
So many shows, so little time. Halp.
THERE IS NO HELP, E. Finding a planet with 48-hour long days is still our best option haha.
THE FLASH! I’m so excited it’s coming back soon, thanks for sharing this one! I binge watched How to Get Away with Murder last week and can’t wait for more. YES LUKE CAGE THATS IN A FEW DAYS
OMG, RIGHT?! I just cannot wait and I’m so thoroughly obsessed, it’s not even funny.
How to Get Away with Murder is definitely still one of the best shows and yay, Luke Cage! I’m so behind on Marvel shows and really need to start catching up on them.