Ever been entranced by the jaegers in Pacific Rim? Got your mind boggled after watching Source Code? Looper? Wanted to dream within a dream (re: Inception)? Then today’s post is for you. The only movies I haven’t watched from the list are Dredd, World War Z, After Earth, and Elysium all of which I’ll probably be watching soon. But the rest are pretty, pretty amazing movies and I suggest you watch them all.
As you can probably see, I chose one element from the two chosen movies and applied it to each book. I think it’s a fun way to read something that has similar elements but nothing more than that. For instance, the movies I chose for Parallel are similar in the sense that one is about the same event from different vantage points while the other is about running from fate.
Read any of these? Loved them? Hated them? What about the movies?
P.S. Sorry that the movie posters are too small. I’m still learning all this stuff on Photoshop.
I, unfortunately, have only read Angelfall from that bunch! Definitely chaos everywhere haha. The Day After Tomorrow is one of my favorite movies ever, so I'm really excited for Not a Drop to Drink! Also, SPIDERMAN! <3 Favorite superhero. Uninvited is on my TBR – in fact, most of these are on my TBR! Great list Sana 😉
Great list! I haven't read any of these books but many of those movies are on my to-watch list! I'm so behind in movies, sci-fi and otherwise, it's not even funny…Great topic you chose for this week's TTT Q 🙂
And those two for Parallel *_______* *takes note*
Oddly I haven't seen any of these shows or movies and I haven't read any of the books! Great list!
Here's my Top Ten!
Not a drop to drink sounds great I will have to give that a go!
Wow those are good choices. 🙂 I've only seen a few of them though, and haven't read any of the books yet. These Broken Stars look very interesting though. So I'm going to have to check that out!
My Top Ten Tuesday
Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews
Oooo… I love that you included two inspirations per pick. That's fun. And I agree completely with you on the ones I have read – the others I now know I need to!
I've been wanting to read angel fall! Definitely will be putting it on my TBR.