I went into October with full force with plans to have fun after submitting my thesis and reading creepy books to well, creep myself out. I failed big time.
I got done with my thesis and submitted it for review. The hardest part is over and now I just have to correct a few mistakes here and there (hopefully) and be done with it.
Cover Overload
A ton of cover reveals happened this month. I particularly loved the covers of Tease which is actually a shiny silver instead of grey in print and The Half Life of Molly Pierce.
Tweeple Crazy
Early October Eve, Reem, Lillian and I got all crazy during a Twitter chat. I reached 15K tweets, we raged, we laughed, YouTubed, Eve turned into a villain, Reem was awesome like always, Lillian got jailed. It was just fun, fun, fun.
I also took part in #bookishparty hosted by Judith and Cassie and thought I arrived pretty late to the party, it was still a lot of fun.
Frienemy and What Not
I met my BFF (we call each other frienemy ha ha) and other close friends after a few months, went for dinner, had a sleepover. It was so much fun and over all too quickly.
Vampire Academy Ruined
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know the train wreck that is VA’s poster. That tagline? Ew. Twitter really exploded all over it because duh, it is baaad. I’ve lost ALL my faith in the movie now. I can’t even.
Road Trips are Fun
I had to be back home before Eid and there was some issue with flights going on and the only available plane tickets were really expensive. Luckily my brother and sister-in-law were in Islamabad so we decided that I take a 4-hour bus ride to Islamabad, spend a day there and then road trip home with them. The trip took 15-hours and I tried to read Throne of Glass but I was too sleepy and tired so I just majorly slept and took a lot of photos.
Old is Gold
One of my high school friends lives in Islamabad now. We met after 6 years, had breakfast together and caught up on our lives. Such a great feeling.
Windows 8.1
I’m one of those people who just love Windows 8 and the slight improvements done in Windows 8.1 are just perfect. It’s all so sleek and shiny.
I really have no words for Revenge, I just know that this season is going to be the best ever!
The Originals also proved to be one of the top shows for me because well, it has the Mikaelson brothers and I now actually like Rebecca.
I watched the pilot episode of True Blood because Eve couldn’t shut up about the hotness that is Alexander Skarsgård. He didn’t show up. Instead there was a lot of ugly human-vampire sex. Ugh.
I’m feeling so much for Schmidt in New Girl.
I just love Adam Samberg in Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
I decided to not watch Sleepy Hollow anymore because it just doesn’t appeal to me all that much.
I wish they’d already get to the wedding in How I Met Your Mother but I’m not complaining much.
The Big Bang Theory is just so ridiculously hilarious this season. The last two episodes were the best ever!
Super Fun Night‘s premiere was so bad, I can’t even. How ugly can you get with fat jokes? I hope the show dies. Not watching!
I was excited for The Tomorrow People but it was more focused on the politics of it all than the superpowers. Meh.
I watched Mistresses and I don’t even know why. Oh yeah, I know. I want to finish the first season and be done with the awful show.
I finally finished the first season of Arrow and actually liked the last few episodes to want to watch season two.
Awkward is just aww, love it.
I’ve yet to watch Pretty Little Liars, Ravenswood, The Carrie Diaries and Dracula so yeah.
So I’ve officially watched 50 movies this year. I felt like tracking it so I’ve no idea if this is too much for me or what. I’m very excited for Non-Stop (Liam Neeson, guys!), Frozen, Pompeii and Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.
Despicable Me 2 (thumbs up) – I love those minions. So adorable!
Insomnia by Stephen King
Parallel by Lauren Miller
Despicable me 2 is just SO ADORABLE 😀 I'm not sure what to think about Vampire Academy, but I still haven't read the books.. I'm starting to get tired of Vampire diaries, but The originals is just THE best! Klaus is fantastic 🙂 and New Girl is hilarious. Jess is a great character. I've only seen the first two episodes from Sleepy Hollow, but I like it so far. The big bang theory is good as always! I recently watched from season 1 to now and it was awesome. I can't wait to get started in Reign and yeay for Awkward.
Ugh. The Vampire Academy over all looks so campy. Have you seen the trailer? It's bad. Really bad. Low budget version of Twilight bad. And that's saying A LOT. It totally ruined it for me. And let's not talk about that tag line. Ewwwww is right.
Anyway, busy October for you! Have oodles of fun in November!!!
Oh, I love Reign and The Tomorrow People. I didn't like TTP as much after the fist episode, but each episode gets better and better. There's a lot of depth to the show. I think I like it more than Arrow at this point. And The Originals is soooo good, right? Rebekah is awesome 😀
Those covers are so pretty! I love pretty covers.
I also love crazy Twitter chats, and have been involved in many. They really are such fun.
The VA poster is disgusting. I didn't have any hope for the movie after I saw the trailer, so this just reinforces that lack of hope for me.
I haven't even seen the third season of Vampire Diaries! Living in Australia has its downsides sometimes.
And we haven't even gotten The Originals yet, and it looks so amazing!
We were both together on our lack of reading, but I don't think I have gone a month without reading one book in my entire life. So I definitely feel for you.
And good luck with your thesis! That will me me next year D:
Oooh I wonder why I have never seen the VA poster thingy on Twitter? … Well, I'm going to avoid it since I haven't even read the books. I will next month though! I seriously cannot wait to dive into it, and meet all the awesome characters everyone has been raving about.
Have you watched the second ep of True Blood??? I think that's where Skarsgard appears! Also Google the guy! I always do when I'm sad. 😀
And why aren't you watching ONCE UPON A TIME???????????? HOOK IS HOT. I'M HOOKED. You should watch it so we can talk about it.
Did you watch this week's episode of The Originals? Elijah is a badass. And I don't feel like watching TVD anymore, except for Stefan and Katherine. Damon and Elena are a pain in the ass.
I watched the Halloween ep of PLL and it was super boring. I haven't watched Ravenswood yet, but I don't plan to. For all I know, they'll do what they do with PLL – we'll get one answer and 485925925 questions. No thanks.
I only watch Sleepy Hollow because my mom wants to, but it's getting kind of boring. The only motivation I have is the fact that Ichabod is hot.
Aww, too bad you experienced a bit of a reading slump this month and didn't get to read any of the spooky books you wanted to! I didn't have a great month either for reading… Like you, I would plan to read when I got home at the end of a long day, but then it would never happen because I was just too exhausted or had other things going on. Boo! Well, I hope November goes better for both of us, reading wise.
The Vampire Academy movie… I'm fine that it is a bit campy because I found the book to be pretty cheesy too. However, I do have a pretty bad feeling about how it'll turn out. Still, I'm going to try to reserve my judgement until after I've actually seen it. We'll see!
And I've not seen any of those TV shows so I can't comment! I stopped watching Vampire Diaries a few season ago, but maybe I should get back into it…