That being said, part of Philadelphia’s ignorance is due to that human nature and part due to the actions of the governing bodies. In order to feed upon the ignorance, humans tend to gorge on anything that would sustain it and so a simple reassurance will go far enough.
Today we’re using up fresh water at an alarming rate (highest 600 litres per person per day), the freshwater which makes up a total percentage of 0.37% of all the water on earth. We’re running out of water and instead of taking care in lessening our daily usage of water, what do we do? We console ourselves with the fact that seawater could easily be made into drinkable water. Yes, it can be through a desalination process. But is that reason enough to go on living as we are? No. But we still do because it’s just human nature to ignore the danger at our door.
What do you think? Is this really human nature or something else entirely?