Frustrating, dissatisfying and what not, some characters could be frustratingly good others just plain frustrating. My list is leaning towards the later. I bet Bella is on your list.
i. Lily – Can I just say argh one more time?
Lily is frustrating from the get-go, I mean she used the word canoodling. It’s like this with Lily: if she catches her boyfriend with a i-hate-that-do-gooder-girl-from-high-school, she presumes that her boyfriend needs her. And then she has the nerve to be sarcastic which is really just her being insulting in From What I Remember…
ii. Bishop – Insta-love-me-baby.
I liked Bishop a lot in the prologue when he’s all defiant and what not. But come the actual start of the book, he just seems almost… bored. Kraven garnered more attention from me than Bishop and he isn’t even the main character in Dark Kiss.
iii. Scarlett – “And, you, Miss, are no lady.”
I love Gone With the Wind and I ended up liking Scarlett. But at first she was definitely the meanest, heartless b*tch. I was overjoyed when Rhett finally saw right through her and saw through he did. And then began the un-frustration part but that is a story for another day.
iv. Veronique – Don’t you just hate that name?
It’s pretty normal to hate the girl who dates your ex but Veronique takes it to another level. She is a total psycho and her brother, Carter is beyond evil. He makes Chuck Bass look like a puppy, okay not really but you get my point. But it was really Veronique who got to me like a bad case of a cold in Kiss and Make Up.
v. Cameron MacDonald – Can anyone get any more frustrating than him?
That guy from Mercy is blind! While his wife life revolves around him, Cam is as selfish, controlling and self-centered as they come. I mean you’re having an affair with your wife’s Flower Shop assistant for God’s sake!
vi. Bella – Clumsy, much? Oh…right.
There is nothing more disappointing than a girl fixated on a perfect vampire who has nothing better to do with his time than graduate high school over and over. She is made up to be this girl who never really felt at home being human. What the hell? And oh, Edward basically described himself best here in The Twilight Saga: “What a sick, masochistic lion.” You betcha.
vii. Brianna – Just look at me already!
I found Brianna from Silver to be shallow and needy. I get that, being a teenager, it hurts when boy look past you but then your bracelet comes off and suddenly you’re this gorgeous woman. There is not much else to her.
viii. Kate – Will you stop about the vibe?
Did You Get the Vibe? is a pretty unknown book and rightly so. Kate pretty much sleeps with anyone provided she gets the vibe from them. It’s just all sad, really.
ix. Tobey – It’s really just a matter of time.
Tobey wants Sara but when he can’t, he chooses to spend his days observing Sara and trying to get her to fall for him. He just won’t take no for an answer or get a clue. Buut then the book is titled When It Happens.
x. Zoe – Dumbed down.
Link up your Top Ten Tuesday’s post below and I’ll be sure to visit!
Bella would 100% be on my list, she needs to be her own hero, Edward isn't even that great lol! 🙂
OMG yes Tobey, uck! He annoyed the heck out of me too, kind of ruined the whole book for me.
I haven't read any of these but darn they sound like they are frustrating characters.
I actually listed Sara from When it Happens. I couldn't stand how upset she was that Tobey had had sex with someone else. I mean it was before they were together. Hell it was before she really was even friends with Tobey. I get that he maybe should have told her, but still. I thought she blew it way out of proportion.
Yep, frustrating for sure! Nice list. 🙂
Wow I'm yet to see anyone without Bella Swan in their list LOL
Here's my Top Ten
Angelica @
Paperback Princess