The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 13th and runs through Sunday, August 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 5.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. -From the Bout of Books 5.0 team
Woohoo! This is my first ever read-a-thon and I literally jumped at the chance when I saw the post about it on Vicky’s blog Books, Biscuits, and Tea. Exciting Twitter chats, making new bookish friends and getting to read a lot, what’s not to like? It’s a wonder I never participated before.
– Read more than 250 pages in a day; meaning a total of about 1800 pages in seven days.
– Finish my current reads (Crossed and The Accident Man) and read 4 more books (fingers crossed).
– Write reviews of books as I finish.
– Tweet updates on Twitter (#boutofbooks).
– Participate in the Twitter chats.
– Comment on other participating bloggers as much as I can.
I am including the books I want to finish, one of these might be left out.
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I found out about Bout of Books around 10:00 pm on my Monday night. Thus, in between creating my goals blogpost about the read-a-thon and then participating in the Twitter chat, it was after 12:00 am. So I didn’t get to read at all. But earlier in the day, I started Crossed so I am going to finish it as part of the Bout of Books read-a-thon.
Number of pages I’ve read today: 0
Number of books I’ve read today: 0
Total number of books I’ve read: 0
Books: 0
Reviews: None
Blogs I commented on: 1
#BoutofBooks Twitter chat: Participated
Challenges completed: 0
Today was a good day in terms of reading ’cause I managed to finish Crossed and start Silver just as 12:00 am struck. Also, I baked a cake, not from scratch, but a cake is a cake.
Number of pages I’ve read today: 322
Number of books I’ve read today: 2
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
Books: Crossed by Ally Condie, Silver by Talia Vance (8 pages in)
Reviews: None
Blogs I commented on: 21
Challenges completed: 1 out of 3
Curiosity Killed the Bookworm: Limericks
What book are you reading, where does it take place, and where is it going to relocate?
I am reading Crossed by Ally Condie which is set in the Outer Provinces and the Carving. I am going to relocate it to Holliss Pink Mansion in An Abundance of Katherines (John Green) and they will definitely fare better what with no shortage of food, plenty of paper and no risk of the Society ever catching up to them. Indie will probably scream but Eli would be a happy little guy. Ky would feel liberated and Cassia will have a field day with all that freedom.
I continued Silver and then took a break from glaring into my laptop screen. I figured it would be a great thing to read an eBook along with a print book so I resumed my other current read, The Accident Man.
Number of pages I’ve read today: 252
Number of books I’ve read today: 2
Total number of books I’ve read: 1
Books: Silver by Talia Vance, The Accident Man by Tom Cain
Blogs I commented on: 5
#BoutofBooks Twitter chat: Couldn’t participate as it was at my 6:00 am.
Challenges completed: 1 out of 2
The Musings of ALMYBNENR: Book Word Search
I did my best but some words were so hard to find.
The Busy Bibliophile: Match the Zombie Book Cover
It’s all about matching the cover with the title. I had so much fun!
I read Glitch all day today and as it was a long-ish book, I am glad I finished it.
Number of pages I’ve read today: 371
Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books I’ve read: 2
Books: Glitch by Heather Anastasiu
Reviews: Glitch
Blogs I commented on: 16
Challenges completed: 3 out of 3
Reading in Winter: A Book for Every Season
Choosing a perfect book for each season. These are some of the best books I have ever read and I think the fit the seasons pretty well.
I don’t usually snack but when I do, it’s a steaming mug of a perfectly brewed tea. Sometimes I have cookies or anything sweet to go with it. But there’s always a chance that I get lost in the story that my tea runs cold. It has happened quite a few times actually.
Books with Cass: Contemporary
My favorite contemporary of 2012 has to be Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry, my favorite contemporary cover of 2012 is a tie between Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill and Reunited by Hilary Weisman Graham and my biggest surprise contemporary book of this year is Over You by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus.
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Today, I managed to finish The Accident Man because I wanted to be done with the book and also, I also finished Silver, the book is unlike any other book I have ever read so I am still lost in its world.
Number of pages I’ve read today: 425
Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books I’ve read: 3
Books: Silver by Talia Vance, The Accident Man by Tom Cain
Reviews: None
Blogs I commented on: 5
Challenges completed: 2 out of 2
BookGoonie: Book Spine Poetry
I had no idea there was such a thing as spine poetry and I am loving it! =D Here’s me feeble try at it:
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Q1. What book are you most looking forward to based on summary alone? Feel free to show off the summary!
The only thing worse than forgetting her past… is remembering it.
Yes, it’s just a snippet of the synopsis but I freakin’ cannot wait to read Unremembered by Jessica Brody.
Q2. What book are you most looking forward to based on cover art alone? Feel free to show off the beautiful cover art!
Afterparty by Ann Redisch Stampler. I can keep looking at the cover it’s so mesmerizing.
I knew I wouldn’t get much reading done today but I will later in the evening.
Number of pages I’ve read today: 59
Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books I’ve read: 4
Books: Bad Boy by Olivia Goldsmith
Blogs I commented on:
#BoutofBooks Twitter chat:
Challenges completed: 2 out of 3
My Not So Real Life: Music
My Seryniti: Page 99 Test
So I chose to read the 99 page of Beauty and the Bully and I think I’ll give this book a go.
Page 99 of Beauty and the Bully by Andy Behrens
Chapter 10
Duncan plopped down next to Stew at their usual lunch table.
“You’re not dining with Friends of the Beaver today?”
“They’re called TARTS,” said Duncan. “And no, I am not. No direct invitation was extended. But Carly is still being cool.”
Jessie slammed her fry-filled cafeteria tray down on the table directly across from Duncan. “Well, did you tell Stew all about him?” she asked, clearly thrilled. She dipped several fries into a pool of ketchup then stuffed them into her mouth.
“No, I haven’t yet,” Duncan said. “Stew was making beaver cracks again.”
“Did you tell me about who?” he asked.
“Abugh da poofeh buwwy!” said Jess, chewing, fry bits falling out of her mouth.
“Um, one more time, please,” said Stew.
Jess swallowed, then cleared her throat. “About the perfect bully,” she said. “What are you, deaf?”
What do you guys think?
Ex Libris: Virtual Travels
I chose Crossed as the book to travel virtually and in the book, the imaginary places are first the bunk area where Cassia sleeps on her assignment in Tana and then the Carving beyond the Outer Provinces.
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So I think I did a pretty good job here visualizing the places.
Number of pages I’ve read today:
Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books I’ve read:
Blogs I commented on: 5
Challenges completed: 0 out of 2
I really liked Glitch. And loved Crossed!
Good luck!
Lots of people have Crossed on their Bout-of-Books list. I guess this means that I really need to start that series. *sigh* Good luck and have fun!
I need to read Matched. I've been seeing Crossed in peoples Goals a lot. Also I hope Silver is good, I will be reading too. 🙂
Hi Sana,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. 🙂 I love your list, although I could not get into Crossed. Hope you have better luck. Good luck with your goals this week.
– Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment
I looooove the progress system you've got here. 😀 I hope you don't mind me "benchmarking" it for my own progress report. Thanks for the super awesome comment yesterday!
Oh and, I loved Matched. I haven't read Crossed yet. But I hope I do during the break. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.
Naj @ Unputdownable Books
Hi again! I loved our chat yesterday! I could talk about that book for hours! But the ones on your list look great, too! I liked Glitch quite a lot and Crossed is on my goal list for Bout of Books, too 🙂
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog :p. Yeah it was awesome speaking to you last night. That twitter chat was crazy ! But I loved my tea after the chat ;). Are you going to do another twitter chat on wednesday or saturday?
I haven't read any of the books that you're reading for the read a thon but I hope you'll enjoy reading them ! Good luck !
I want to read Glitch and Through to You. Can't wait to see what you think of them. Good luck with your goals =)
I hope you liked Crossed. I liked it so much better than Matched, though that one is okay. 🙂
Sounds like the Crossed characters would both love and hate their new surroundings. Hopefully it wouldn't cause too much trouble for them! 😛
Great books! I am really curious about Glitch! Good luck!
Looks like you're getting lots of reading done! I'm glad you're commenting on other blogs too. @fromleft2write http://www.fromlefttowrite.com
We are all kind of dark in our book spine poetry 🙂 🙂 I love that!
I have to say I love the Afterparty cover, I love that she is holding her high heels after a hard night on the town.
Thanks for entering my challenge!
Happy reading!
Awesome haiku! Great book selection, too! I love Silver Cover.
You're doing great Sana! I hope you're having loads of fun 🙂
I love the book spines poetry 😀 can't wait to see your answers for today challenges !
You're making great progress. So glad you're enjoying Bout-of-Books 😉 Happy reading!
I've only read Matched, but love the picture of the Carving 🙂
You're making great progress, well done! I enjoyed Crossed, and your picture for the Carving is great!
I'm LOVING your progress system – next time I may just have to adopt the idea of keeping track of how many blogs I comment on in a day, that's a fantastic idea!
I totally agree – all cake is good 🙂 I look forward to reading your review for silver, it looks really interesting.
Great progress ^-^
I want to read Crossed so bad! :3
I love Ryan Gosling. He's so versatile that I think he'd be good as any type of character. Thanks for participating 🙂
You did great and read some amazing books! Congrats 😉